Well it looks like the swine flu is back in the news headlines again. One minute it is a hot topic, then it settles down for a few, then it pops back up again.

Swine Flu

There is just way too much confusion about the swine flu. Get it, don't get it, and now you are lucky if your health care provider even has any of the swine flu vaccine available. When it is available it seems to disappear within a few hours.

Every time I read about the swine flu it's a different story. You should get one dose, then it's two doses. Sometimes I hear young people and elderly people should get it. Later I hear everyone should get it.

I think they are just confusing people too much, and the story or facts seem to change too often to make any sense to the average person.

So even if it is possible to get it, maybe you should before they run out. On the other hand, this vaccine thing really hasn't been tested thoroughly enough to really know if it works, if there are side effects, or if there will be a record number of side effects.

I am still undecided. One day I think I will probably get it, and the next I think maybe I should hold off. Mostly due to the confusion the press is creating.