I was recently reading a forum thread about Google's Youtube. It was basically about how Google was loosing money with Youtube. Whether they are loosing money or not I don't know, but it did get me thinking about Youtube in general.


How many people watch a Google Youtube video every day? How many videos are uploaded a day? And, Just how much space are all these videos consuming?

Well this would be extremely difficult to ever know the exact numbers, but anyway you look at it has to be huge. Youtube is quite generous about the file numbers and size of the video you are allowed to upload.

I am kind of imagining a data center or a large portion of a data center devoted to Youtube alone. They have to be adding more storage for the videos all the time, and adding a bigger pipe for all the traffic.

Now when I stop and think about this, it might be difficult to turn a profit on something like this.

I don't see Youtube going away any time soon, but if they don't at least break even...who Knows!