Is it the end of Google Pagerank or is the update just delayed?

Google Pagerank
While there is no date i n particular that Google adheres to when updating pagerank, most tend to assume an update every 2-4 months. I don't have the exact number at the moment, but we are pushing something like 4 months now since the last pagerank update.

Recently Google has removed the "Your sites page with the highest rank" from within Google Webmaster Tools. A combination of this and pagerank approaching 4 months or more now has sparked numerous discussions and topics at many popular webmaster forum sites.

In just the last day or two there have been several topics with tons of replies, some positive, others not so positive over at digital point forums. There are many rumors circulating that it could be the end of the Google Pagerank System.

Google has always been hush...hush when it comes to pagerank, and any new features they are working on. I honestly don't know how they keep such a tight lid on things, but they do a pretty good job.

So is this the end of Google Pagerank? Who knows for sure, only time will tell and an official announcement would be necessary to confirm it.

I personally don't see it going away any time soon. Google has put so much into the pagerank system for a number of years now that I can't see them just calling it quits.

So only time will tell. I will keep following the subject and topics at digital point and elsewhere and see where this goes or ends up. My guess is we will see a pagerank update soon, and all the rumors and speculation will fade away.