Not sure if anyone has heard about the new Google Search they are testing. It has been labeled Google Caffeine by most popular blogs and forums. Where they came up with this or how they figured it out I'm not sure. You can test the new Google Caffeine Search and see what kind of results you get. It is much faster than the Google Search we currently have and use. It also returns many more results for the particular search term or keyword.

You can check it out or test it for yourself here:

Although there is no specific time frame that Google follows for updating Pagerank, they do tend to happen every 3-4 months on average. Currently it has been slightly over 4 months now since the last Google Pagerank update. Since it has been a little longer than normal now, I can't help wondering if it has something to do with Google Caffeine. The longest period of time that I am aware of that went by between Pagerank updates was 6 months. So I am expecting a new Pagerank update to happen any time now. Not that I am expecting this blog to change or increase. I really don't promote it, I just use it for rambling on for the most part. I have promoted some of my other sites, and it would be nice if they increased a little. Anyway I'll keep following this and waiting for the next update from the Big G!