Well here we are once again anticipating the next Google Pagerank Update, which is leaning towards overdue. Not that there is a set schedule, but we assume generally 3 month intervals. Since it has been a little over 4 months now, the SEO world is patiently waiting for an update. There are many discussions and topics in the popular forums sites lately. You never really know for certain when Google will flip the switch and update the Pagerank. Nobody really knows for sure what the process involves. Whether Google needs a specific time to crawl the entire internet world. If there is some huge database that is quietly being processed on the side in the background, or something else. Some claim that Google does update Pagerank daily that some employees have access to, but nobody really knows for certain. It's one big secret and a virtual mystery.

I am hopeful that I might see a little bump or increase in my main site that I spend more time on, rather than here. I am not really counting on it as I didn't get to spend as much time with it as I would have liked, but you never know. Fingers crossed!