Apparently on top of all the H1N1 Swine Flu confusion we now learn that even if you want it only 1 in 3 can actually find it. Supposedly there is the group of preferred or those that the government says should get it first. Even these folks are having a tough time finding it. If you are in this preferred group chances are you are going to stand in line for a very long time.

H1N1 Swine Flu

Local reports show people standing in line for hours for a chance at getting the vaccine with a very limited number available.

So what to do even if you fall into this preferred group? Run around town and wait in line for hours hoping they don't run out.

I don't know what the solution is, but this H1N1 vaccine seems more rare and valuable than gold at the moment.

If you have been trying to get the vaccine good luck in your quest. Be prepared to wait a very long time.