This is another question I have been asking myself lately. Why on earth do people text so much these days? I don't know the perfect or exact answer to this one. I have a feeling the ones not so tuned into it will generally be a bit older. Someone from the younger crowd or generation would be more likely to be texting frequently.

I know if I say too much about text messaging it will tick of those that like it. I highly doubt they can't live without it, they just think so.

It never really made any sense to me why people send text messages back and forth all day long from a phone that the original purpose was to call and talk to someone.

I think I have heard all the reasons why people text, but they still don't make a whole lot of sense.

Honestly I think people are lacking verbal communication more and more every day. So many people live in digital cyber world it's almost frightening. It was a much different world back in my day.

People just think they need all these new gadgets and gizmo's all the time to be like their friends or something.

Why Do People Text So Much
There are so many devices out there people are constantly playing with that are distracting. I don't know how many times I have had to repeat myself because someone couldn't listen to me and play with their little toy at the same time.

Just going to a store is getting to be a real pain in the rump too. I stand in line, politely waiting my turn to pay for my things. The person in front of me paying for their stuff can't even focus because they are too busy yapping on their phone or sending a text. Now I am supposed just stand there waiting for them to finish their conversation because it must be important, and I have nothing important I need to do or would rather be doing besides waiting for them. It's like people don't even care anymore. They just act like it's not a big deal, and I shouldn't even care.

I like technology that makes things better and more efficient. I just wish people had more respect and showed a little common courtesy.