Do the benefits of the internet outweigh the negative? It's a question I've been asking myself lately.

I guess it depends on who you are, what kind of lifestyle you live, and if you don't remember life before the internet. Some people are just too young to remember life without the internet.

Lucky me...I happened to be born before the internet we all rely on so much. I am even old enough to have actually enjoyed life in my childhood, teenage, and early adulthood without it.

The thing I keep thinking about is we all got along fine. We had fun and enjoyed life without it. I actually think we were more active back then. We went out and did things rather than sitting in front of a computer. We had real life friends, not digital virtual facebook friends.

Now people are just so stressed out and in a hurry for everything. They want it right now this second. If they can't get it in a hurry, or if one little thing goes wrong...look out it's the end of the world for some reason. If you can't find your TV remote, cell phone charger, or mp3 player calm down...Take a deep breath and chill out. Life does go on. There is life besides video games, movies, and facebook.

The Internet
The internet is convenient and if used properly can be good for a variety of useful things. However, along with the convenience comes a lot of trouble, spam, viruses, thieves, con artists, you name it.

I just can't help wondering if the internet has made us all a bit more lazy. I mean if we didn't have the internet right now would we just sack out in front of the TV with a bag of potato chips? Or would we be out and about more...You know actually communicating with real life people instead of in la la land on the internet with total strangers.

I guess there is no perfect answer. Most people cannot live without it these days. I just wish sometimes life was much simpler like it used to be. Those days are long gone though now. I can't even imagine what things will be like in another 5, 10, or even 20+ years from now.