I was watching the local news the other night. There was a story about a woman that setup a Twitter account page for her dog. She apparently has nothing better to do or something. Who on earth has time to post things even if they are short and brief for their dog? Talk about not having a life or something.

It doesn't matter to me what anyone does with their spare and free time, but honestly I could think of a few other things.

The news story went on to say that this dog has something like 2,000 followers now. Can you believe that. Not only does this woman posting these tweets on behalf of her dog not have anything better to do. There is apparently 2,000 Twitter members that have nothing better to do than to read virtual mythical tweets about someone's dog.

Tweeting for your Pets

I understand the internet can be education and even a good source of entertainment when there is nothing better to do, but come on reading tweets about someone's dog!

People never cease to amaze me when it comes to online and internet related things they do.

I seriously think people need to unplug from all this digital stuff once in a while, and come back to the real world. Maybe socialize with people face to face might be a good start rather than in internet land all the time.