I don't know if you all follow the computer industry or not. It is difficult to keep up with. There is always something bigger, faster, better, etc. The minute you buy any electronic gizmo something better comes along, or the one you just bought suddenly costs less.

I think it has got to the point where you just buy the thing with the expectation that something better will come along shortly after doing so.

Laptop computer prices have come down considerably in the past few years. With multi-core cpu's, ram, hard drives, etc. so cheap these days it's no wonder they are so popular. I really don't know how they make any money off some of these.

Laptop Computers

Although most laptops are usually no match for a desktop computer in the same price range, the majority of them are very good performers. And if portability is your thing you really can't go wrong.

At the time I am posting this, you can get a decent laptop computer in the $299 to $499 usd range. Just a few years back that would have cost you more in the neighborhood of $699 to $999 or more.

I still prefer a desktop over a laptop, but if I were a traveler or worked at an office I would most likely choose a laptop over a desktop.

It should be interesting to see what the next few years bring in terms of performance, power, and price.