Many of you are old enough to remember the popular film camera. Most likely you probably had a 35 mm at some point in your life if you are 20+ years of age. Some of the younger generation and kids are young enough that they will have never used one, nor will they ever remember them. Sort of like cassette tapes, but that is another story.

You can still get film for your 35mm camera yet, but I wouldn't expect that to last forever. I guess you can stock up a bit, but sooner or later they will probably stop selling it completely and/or stop developing it.

There are always the die hard 35mm camera and film fans that just can't or won't give in to digital. I have heard claims of digital images are no match for a good 35mm film image. Honestly, I can't see or tell the difference.


I just can't believe someone would still want to use 35mm film camera's anymore. Digital is so convenient. You have no film to buy. Maybe a memory card to store pictures on which can really hold a lot and they are very reasonable in price. If you mess up, it doesn't turn out, or you just don't like it you really aren't out anything. No hassle of developing film, and no fee unless you are to get prints. Just viewing on your computer, emailing, or sharing on the web costs you almost nothing.

I think most people have taken the plunge into digital photography by now, but I am sure there are a few stragglers out there yet.