Can you imagine your wedding costing you over 3 million dollars? Most of could only dream about having that much money, not to mention shelling it out for a wedding.

According to CNN Entertainment the former first daughters wedding could end up costing just that. Included in the cost: $15,000 for portable toilets and half a million for flowers! Ouch!

Chelsea Clintons Wedding

I know a wedding is a big deal for some, and various news outlets often refer to the Clinton's as America's royalty. I don't know about that, but they are popular here in the U.S.

I don't care who you are isn't that a little crazy to spend anywhere near 3 million dollars on a wedding? I wonder who is actually paying for the thing? Chelsea's husband to be is said to be some investment banker. Maybe he is loaded too who knows. I do have a feeling that Chelsea's mommy and daddy might be taking care of the costs. After all, I hear there are a lot of Bill and Hillary Clinton's big wig friends that are attending and they wouldn't want anyone to think they were being stingy.

I really wonder how much waste there will be just to show off to their high class friends and family. Makes you wonder how much the Clintons are actually worth?