As a long time Windows XP user and fan I have to admit I was a little skeptical and uneasy about Windows 7 at first. After hearing all the negative reviews and publicity Vista received, I wasn't exactly excited about trying it.

I finally gave in to temptation, or more like I got tired of my aging and slowing single core Windows XP based computer. I don't necessarily like change that well, but I don't like slow computers even more.

Windows 7
So I took the plunge and bought a new computer with Windows 7 Premium. Nothing top of the line or super fancy, but compared to what I have been working with it is a definite step up.

I am trying to get used to the new layout and way things are done in Windows 7. If you have used Windows XP or Vista it's pretty easy. Things are just named slightly different now, and some are in new locations, but nothing too complicated. My Computer is just Computer. My documents are Documents, things like that.

Many people talk about how speedy Windows 7 is, which is mostly true. Part of this is probably because it is brand new and fresh, there isn't a lot of programs installed or other files saved and stored on it yet. So naturally it should be faster. For me even more so as I have gone from an out of date single core cpu to a multi-core cpu.

It seems fast enough to me, but not excessive. It was really noticeable after playing with Windows 7 for a while, and I went back to my XP computer to retrieve some files. As I waited, and waited, and waited some more it was apparent how slow my XP computer really is compared to my new one.

Anyway there are many positive reviews out there, and I will continue playing with Windows 7 for a while yet before I conclude that it is amazing, but it's looking good so far.