By now "Black Friday" could almost be considered a national holiday here in the U.S. The famous day after Thanksgiving when stores open at the wee hours of the morning when it's still dark out. Many will venture out and fight the crowds of people hoping to be rewarded with big savings on that special item. What motivates all these shoppers is one thing...Saving money.

Black Friday

I am not a morning bird, and no matter what kind of deal there is to be had I am not about to get trampled to save a few bucks.

I can understand why people do it to some extent. Even more so this year with the economy still in very poor status. There are a lot of people unemployed right now. Others have been cut back in hours at work. Some were full-time employees that are now working only part-time. They got kids and family that they need or want to buy gifts for this holiday season.

There has been a big push in the news the past few weeks for Black Friday. Although many people just do not have the resources to spend as much as they would like this year, it will be interesting to see if there is a larger than average turn out.

If you are one of those brave souls that are seeking the early bird specials, good luck. I will be in bed sleeping, but I'll be dreaming about all the fun I am missing!