My quest for Google Pagerank has slowly paid off. I have seen my main site slowly increase in pagerank from a 0 to a 1 and now a 2. A couple of the internal pages were a pagerank 3, but I believe they are now 2's.

I spent countless hours researching and testing thoughts and ideas on how to increase pagerank. I followed a few sites tips and suggestions. They all seemed to have helped, but I can't help to wonder if I would have achieved this anyway.

I have come to the conclusion that it is a never ending process that involves a lot of time and effort for quick results. By quick I mean 3-6 months.

I have scaled back my quest for pagerank because I can't devote all my free time to this, I have other things to work on.

At any rate getting a pagerank 1 and 2 is relatively easy I would say, but 3-4 and above will take more time and effort as it starts to get tougher after this.

I am hoping to top out at a 3 or 4 and I will be content with that.