TwitterSo what is all this Twitter stuff about? How did it get so big? I honestly don't know but there isn't a single day that goes by that I don't here the word Twitter, Tweet, and follow me on Twitter.

I haven't been on Twitter until recently. I guess I was Twittered out maybe. So I decided to log back in tonight and play around with it. The more I mess with it the more I actually like it. It's a fairly simple site that I think just about anyone could navigate and find their way around unlike most others where you have to spend hours just trying to figure out how to update something.

Twitter can be a powerful traffic tool if used properly. I was doing some promoting with it a while back and I did get an unexpected flow of traffic. However, it didn't last for an extended amount of time. Like anything though, I would assume regular posting and updating would help.

So if you have never been to Twitter, you might check it out in your spare time. You would be surprised who is on there. You might just find someone you have been trying to find on Twitter too.

And Twitter is one of the few sites that the not so technical or Internet savvy folks can actually figure out.

They apparently even have their own little lingo and terms they use, twits, tweets, you name it. Go figure who would have thought something so simple would be so big?