Every time I read the news I see the all too familiar phrase "condition of anonymity". Is it just me or is this just the normal expected thing these days. I don't remember seeing it so much a number of years ago, if at all.

Oftentimes when I do see this phrase in a news article or story it seems to be frequently attached to someone of importance. I really don't get this line of news reporting or how it is allowed sometimes. Someone can tell a news agency anything they want as long as there is a "condition of anonymity" without getting into trouble or what?

Top Secret - Condition of Anonymity

Seems to me some of what I have read the information or story they are giving the press can sometimes be important, private, and some times borderline top-secret. Maybe even classified information at times. I don't know for sure. I am no expert when it comes to most of the information contained in an article or anything. It just seems like as long as you toss in the "condition of anonymity" then you can tell the press something that you otherwise wouldn't.

I guess it just doesn't make sense to me in some high profile or important cases and scenarios.

Oh well what do I know.