I knew Pac Man was old, but I didn't realize I am actually a little bit older. Ouch! That hurts Pac Man.

It's funny after all these years such a simple idea still continues to be popular to this day. Who would have thought. Back then we didn't have all this fancy complex and complicated programming that we have today. I forget exactly how big the programming code is for Pac Man, but not much compared to today's standards. A drop in a bucket really.

Pac Man
Still it was really cool in the day. I know I dropped more than a few quarters in this classic arcade game.

When I was little there was also a Pac Man cartoon that was popular for sometime.

Then of course along came Ms. Pac Man, followed by Jr. Pac Man. Even a Super Pac Man if I remember right.

None of these would probably be very exciting to this generation of gamers, but when it was one of the few games available it was cool and exciting.

Happy 30th Birthday Pac Man!