Let's reduce the worlds stockpile of nuclear weapon's the president says hey. Yippy Skippy! What will this guy come up with next.

Just sign a deal with Russia and we can be one big happy family, or something like that anyway. Exactly what proof does either side have that they are really going to follow through with reducing their nukes? You have my word mister president...we certainly did get rid of them. Yup, me too mister prime minister!

I would have a hard time believing either sides word if that is what it involves. I know I don't believe half of what the government, military, or other tells us citizens. I am more certain they tell us what they want us to know, which is not even close to the truth most of the time. I know, we can't tell you it's a matter of national security. Whatever!

The things I've read in the news lately and the changes that are happening or proposed really make me disappointed and almost sick.

I'll continue watching this topic along with a few others, but I swear if I see one more crazy idea or proposal I am going to un-register to vote! Actually I don't think you can un-register, but I would if I could. We don't seem to have a say in any of these matters anyway so what is the point of voting? I give up!