I keep thinking about Twitter lately. All these Tweets are nice. You really can't say to much with only 140 characters, but I do think people read them more often because they are so short.

The biggest thing with Twitter I kind of worry about are all those shortened URL's. Tinyurl, Bit.ly, and others shorten a link so you can use more characters to actually says something. However, how does one really know where you will be taken to if you click on or visit the shortened URL posted? Will we be taken to some bogus site? A link to a virus? Malware? Spyware? Etc.? It just kind of worries me, and bugs me that I really have no idea where I'll be taken to if I click on one.

On the other hand the same could be said about other sites for that matter. Just because someone posts a link on their site it doesn't mean it is legit. Some sites are a little sneaky and try to hide the actual link in the status bar.

I guess just keep your anti-virus, firewall, spyware, etc. up-to-date at all times!