You ever notice how many advertisements there are on TV these days for all these new drugs & medicine?

Well I was sitting there watching TV tonight when one comes on. Usually I tune them out because honestly I am a little tired of them.

For some reason this time the advertisement caught my attention. Not because it was going to cure cancer, aids, the swine flu, or anything like that.

What this drug said it was for is for people who are already taking antidepressants and they need a little more. If your antidepressant isn't quite enough for you, then you should take this additional antidepressant.

Can you believe that? An antidepressant for an antidepressant. Medicine for medicine.

What next? Now I've heard it all!

I guess the drug makers have finally stooped to making more money by creating medicine for medicine.

I almost fell over as I listened to the advertisement on TV. I have been joking about something like this for years, and now it's no joke anymore. They have really done it now.

I can't believe a doctor would actually prescribe something like this. If you take antidepressants and they just aren't working for you, wouldn't your doctor just increase the dosage? Or find you one that works better and is more suitable for you?