I don't know what is the more popular topic in the news lately, the swine flue or health care reform. If it's not one, then it's the other. Both are just as confusing. One day they tell you one thing, and the next they tell you the opposite.

I am still not sure about the swine flu vaccine. There are a lot of discussion about whether to get it or not lately. Both sides seem to have some good points.

I just think we really don't know what the potential side effects might be regarding the swine flu vaccine. I know it's an obvious concern, but it seems a little rushed. Since when does the U.S. allow something to be rushed to market without thorough testing? Maybe because it's a vaccine and not a drug this makes a difference.

I would get it if I knew there was more testing and we had a better idea what kind of side effects to expect. Since there has not been adequate time and testing, I am not going to run down and get one the minute it comes out.

So I feel that this is a very tough call. Do the benefits outweigh the negatives?