I spent the last several days reading up on Google PageRanks and SEO, or Search Engine Optimization. Most of the sites I visited seemed to have a different tip and idea. There didn't seem to be one specific or perfect answer.

From what I gather from Google itself is that if one site links to your site, you need to link back. Kind of connecting the two sites in a manner I guess. They also state that if a site links to your site that has a PageRank of 5 or 6 you will get more credit I guess I will call it, than if a bunch of pages link to your site with only a PageRank of 1. Nobody seems to know exactally how much credit this might be.

I also read someone made a statement that if you register your domain for an extended amount of time, Google takes this into consideration. It said that if you can register your domain for 5 or even 10 years your PageRank will increase more, as you are expected to be around longer. I really have no idea if this is true or not. It's a good thought, but it's hard to believe this would matter a lot.

So in the mean time I will be playing around with links to sites that have PageRanks of 5+ and see what happens when the new Ranks are updated in a little less than 3 months from now.

I am still playing around with the whole SEO thing. I will save this for a future post. As well as how to increase traffic and Alexa ranks. I am getting pretty good at this part, but still experimenting a bit.