For all of you visitors from the U.S. we are all very aware by now of the upcoming election. Without getting into which candidate is better or who's going to win and all that jazz, I will just be glad when it's all done and over. I am so sick and tired of all the TV commercials / Political Ads ripping on one another. Not just in the presidential race, but local too. Depending on where you live and what you have going on in your state maybe you don't have as many. In my particular state we also have 18 measures to vote on, some of which amend the state constitution and others are just annexation, and bond measure to raise money for different things usually with additional taxes.

I honestly wish the election was this Tuesday so we can be done with it all. I try to tune out all the negative ads, most of them I don't believe anyway.

One thing I have learned is there are still a lot of prejudice people in this country. Not just against blacks and other nationalities, but against women too. It is kind of sad that many will not vote for a particular candidate because they don't like blacks, or a woman vice president. I've heard a lot more racial remarks the past month than I have in years. Which I still don't get why it matters if you are a man or a woman, black, white, or other. How does one base their vote solely on this?

I just hope the darn voting area's/poll stations or whatever we are calling them do not have any major problems or confusion this time around. Hopefully everything goes nice and smooth.

Do your part...AND VOTE!!