Everywhere you look lately there seems to be a new Viral Video circulating. Some of them are less than worthy of carrying the Viral part of the title. Now it seems like every video is Viral. Ok maybe not all of them include the term in the title, but I've seen plenty pop up the past few days.

For some I guess it is just a marketing technique that tends to spark someones interest. Which is what they are after. If adding the term Viral to a video increases visitors, then I guess it worked.

I am getting slightly annoyed every time I see or hear the word Viral now. It was alright a while back, but it is straight up annoying now.

Next thing you know we will see all kinds of other things include the term Viral. We will have Viral news stories, Viral blog posts, Viral pictures, Viral Facebook and Twitter posts. How about a Viral Virus even?