Apparently the media and internet world is buzzing about this mysterious missile launch near Los Angeles.

Pentagon, Military, and Norad so far have denied any involvement or knowledge about it. Which, is somewhat typical or expected from them.

After reviewing the various online video footage, it is very apparent that whatever it is it's not a small little object or missile. The thing is rather large, and leaning towards huge in fact.

If the various U.S. government and military organizations are denying any involvement or knowledge one has to stop and think. The military regularly denies things they are testing or doing. We all know that by now. Perhaps there was something planned which they intended to follow up with a statement or release, but maybe it didn't turn out so well, and now they need to come up with some line of crap to feed the American public.

Mysterious Missile Launched L.A.

Maybe we will never know, or more likely never know the whole story.

I am kind of leaning towards the military had something to do with this. Otherwise, I would assume there would be a bunch of military fighter jets scrambled to the area to check it out.

Heck they scrambled a couple of military fighters not long ago when a small prop plane unknowingly flew to close to air force one when it was on the ground in Seattle. They were scrambled by Norad out of Portland, and many people in the Seattle area reported sonic booms. If they went that far over a little prop plane, surely you could expect a similar scenario over a potential missile or other unusual object.

I would guess it was the military. Whether it went as planned is another story though.