Apparently some college girl likes to spend 3 to 4 hours per day on Facebook. Her mother believes that her grades have been suffering as a result of so much time on Facebook. The mother decided that paying her daughter $300 to stay off the site might improve her grades.

Now I don't know how anyone could spend a full 3 to 4 hours on a site like Facebook every day. I can't imagine what one could even do there for that amount of time. Unless she has a habit of checking out 1000 friend pages each and every day. I can't see how posting a status update, adding a picture or video, and making a few comments could eat up that much time.

The mother can try her $300 offer to get her daughter off Facebook, or to reduce her time there anyway. If I had to take a guess that $300 is going to be a total waste. This girl will take the money and continue to do her daily Facebook routine. If she is that hooked on it, a whole $300 isn't going to make her stop. Nor, will it help improve her grades. Maybe she could take the $300 and pay someone to do her homework, but that wouldn't last long either.

This really makes me wonder...Do a lot of people really waste that much time on Facebook every day? If so how many?

Know wonder so many people are lazy, unfit, and unhealthy these days!