How exciting could a movie about social networking and specifically Facebook actually be?

I mean a movie about the founders of Facebook doesn't seem that appealing or interesting to me. Maybe it is to all the Facebook addicts, or the younger generation that can't seem to live without it.

A few popular movie review sites has it rated fairly decent. Jesse Eisenberg plays the role of Mark Zukerberg. I did like his character in Zombieland.

If they add a mix of comedy it might be slightly more appealing. I just don't find the nerdy computer programing stuff that exciting enough to sit for 2 hours.

The rating is PG-13 and not that it matters too much. I am guessing they wanted to keep it below an R rating so all the teen Facebook'ers would be able to see it.

Kind of reminds me of the older Bill Gates vs. Steve Jobs movie Pirates of Silicon Valley, which incidentally I never watched either.

Maybe it is your thing...great...I hope you like it as much as you probably like Facebook - The Social Network site!