If you are one of the Facebook addicts you might have noticed the recent outage or down time a few days ago. Apparently the site was down for approximately 2 and 1/2 hours give or take.

Users reported seeing or getting an 500 internal server error. Others just didn't see or get anything, just a blank page.

It didn't take long for the internet world to take notice. Even the online news media outlet sites were quick to publish an article on it.

It is truly amazing how much time people spend on a site like Facebook, which is pretty much about nothing. Is there life besides Facebook? Apparently not for all the addicts that can't go a few hours without it.

Facebook Outage

I have never been a big fan of the site. I could easily live without it. I really don't see what is so exciting that someone needs to visit it multiple times a day, but to each their own I guess.

It goes to show no site is up and running perfect 24-7. Even the big name sites have their share of issues and outages from time to time. They are just noticed and picked up on when they have issues, problems, or technical difficulties more than the average site.