Every time the price of gas goes up here in the U.S. it tends to be followed by a few complaints. People tend to assume the gas station owners are getting rich. I'm sure they make something, but it's more likely the big gas and oil company giants that are making the big bucks.

Our way of life seems to revolve around gas and oil. What would be possibly do without? The gas and oil companies know we need it, and we can't do anything about it. We can complain about the price all we want, but we need it so we pay the price know matter what it happens to be.

With that in mind I came across an interesting article the other night about the price of gas around the world. It quoted the top 5 highest and the bottom 5 lowest prices. I had no idea that it varied so much. I knew many other countries paid much more, and a few paid less than what we expect here in the U.S. I just didn't realize some of them were as much as they are.

World's Gas Prices

The world's highest gas prices:

1. Asmara, Eritrea: $9.59 a gallon.
2. Oslo, Norway: $7.41 a gallon.
3. Copenhagen, Denmark: $6.89 a gallon.
4. Hong Kong: $6.87 a gallon.
5. Monaco, Monte Carlo: $6.82 a gallon.

The world's lowest gas prices:

1. Caracas, Venezuela: 6 cents a gallon.
2. Tehran, Iran: 32 cents a gallon.
3. Riyadh, Saudi Arabia: 45 cents a gallon.
4. Kuwait, City, Kuwait: 85 cents a gallon.
5. Cairo, Egypt: $1.17 a gallon.

Can you believe that it varies from $.06 to $9.59 per gallon. That is a big difference.

Read the full article if interested here:
Motorist's dream: Gas at 6 cents a gallon