Get ready for the sky to put on another show this week. The annual Perseid Meteor Shower is expected to peak Thursday August 12th. Although any time from now leading up to the peak, and several days afterward should provide you with a few of these guys streaking across the sky.

So if you have clear nighttime skies over the next week to 10 days be sure to venture out and take a peek. Darker skies and away from the city should provide for best viewing. However, mild city lighting in suburban areas should still be acceptable to see at least some.

The estimated number per hour on the peak night of Thursday August 12th is around 50-80 per hour in darker sky locations.

Perseid Meteor Shower

It can be exciting to them streaking across the sky especially for a younger child that has never seen one before. The bigger ones can get pretty bright with a fairly large tail that may last 1-3 seconds.

The other good thing about the Perseid Meteor shower is it is the middle of summer here in the Northern Hemisphere. Generally the weather tends to cooperate with us much more this time of year.

Clear Skies!