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Why Do People Text So Much
This is another question I have been asking myself lately. Why on earth do people text so much these days? I don't know the perfect or exact answer to this one. I have a feeling the ones not so tuned into it will generally be a bit older. Someone from the younger crowd or generation would be more likely to be texting frequently.
I know if I say too much about text messaging it will tick of those that like it. I highly doubt they can't live without it, they just think so.
It never really made any sense to me why people send text messages back and forth all day long from a phone that the original purpose was to call and talk to someone.
I think I have heard all the reasons why people text, but they still don't make a whole lot of sense.
Honestly I think people are lacking verbal communication more and more every day. So many people live in digital cyber world it's almost frightening. It was a much different world back in my day.
People just think they need all these new gadgets and gizmo's all the time to be like their friends or something.
There are so many devices out there people are constantly playing with that are distracting. I don't know how many times I have had to repeat myself because someone couldn't listen to me and play with their little toy at the same time.
Just going to a store is getting to be a real pain in the rump too. I stand in line, politely waiting my turn to pay for my things. The person in front of me paying for their stuff can't even focus because they are too busy yapping on their phone or sending a text. Now I am supposed just stand there waiting for them to finish their conversation because it must be important, and I have nothing important I need to do or would rather be doing besides waiting for them. It's like people don't even care anymore. They just act like it's not a big deal, and I shouldn't even care.
I like technology that makes things better and more efficient. I just wish people had more respect and showed a little common courtesy.
Tweeting for your Pets
I was watching the local news the other night. There was a story about a woman that setup a Twitter account page for her dog. She apparently has nothing better to do or something. Who on earth has time to post things even if they are short and brief for their dog? Talk about not having a life or something.
It doesn't matter to me what anyone does with their spare and free time, but honestly I could think of a few other things.
The news story went on to say that this dog has something like 2,000 followers now. Can you believe that. Not only does this woman posting these tweets on behalf of her dog not have anything better to do. There is apparently 2,000 Twitter members that have nothing better to do than to read virtual mythical tweets about someone's dog.
I understand the internet can be education and even a good source of entertainment when there is nothing better to do, but come on reading tweets about someone's dog!
People never cease to amaze me when it comes to online and internet related things they do.
I seriously think people need to unplug from all this digital stuff once in a while, and come back to the real world. Maybe socialize with people face to face might be a good start rather than in internet land all the time.
The World's Gas Prices
Every time the price of gas goes up here in the U.S. it tends to be followed by a few complaints. People tend to assume the gas station owners are getting rich. I'm sure they make something, but it's more likely the big gas and oil company giants that are making the big bucks.
Our way of life seems to revolve around gas and oil. What would be possibly do without? The gas and oil companies know we need it, and we can't do anything about it. We can complain about the price all we want, but we need it so we pay the price know matter what it happens to be.
With that in mind I came across an interesting article the other night about the price of gas around the world. It quoted the top 5 highest and the bottom 5 lowest prices. I had no idea that it varied so much. I knew many other countries paid much more, and a few paid less than what we expect here in the U.S. I just didn't realize some of them were as much as they are.
The world's highest gas prices:
1. Asmara, Eritrea: $9.59 a gallon.
2. Oslo, Norway: $7.41 a gallon.
3. Copenhagen, Denmark: $6.89 a gallon.
4. Hong Kong: $6.87 a gallon.
5. Monaco, Monte Carlo: $6.82 a gallon.
The world's lowest gas prices:
1. Caracas, Venezuela: 6 cents a gallon.
2. Tehran, Iran: 32 cents a gallon.
3. Riyadh, Saudi Arabia: 45 cents a gallon.
4. Kuwait, City, Kuwait: 85 cents a gallon.
5. Cairo, Egypt: $1.17 a gallon.
Can you believe that it varies from $.06 to $9.59 per gallon. That is a big difference.
Read the full article if interested here:
Motorist's dream: Gas at 6 cents a gallon
Benefits of the Internet
Do the benefits of the internet outweigh the negative? It's a question I've been asking myself lately.
I guess it depends on who you are, what kind of lifestyle you live, and if you don't remember life before the internet. Some people are just too young to remember life without the internet.
Lucky me...I happened to be born before the internet we all rely on so much. I am even old enough to have actually enjoyed life in my childhood, teenage, and early adulthood without it.
The thing I keep thinking about is we all got along fine. We had fun and enjoyed life without it. I actually think we were more active back then. We went out and did things rather than sitting in front of a computer. We had real life friends, not digital virtual facebook friends.
Now people are just so stressed out and in a hurry for everything. They want it right now this second. If they can't get it in a hurry, or if one little thing goes wrong...look out it's the end of the world for some reason. If you can't find your TV remote, cell phone charger, or mp3 player calm down...Take a deep breath and chill out. Life does go on. There is life besides video games, movies, and facebook.
The internet is convenient and if used properly can be good for a variety of useful things. However, along with the convenience comes a lot of trouble, spam, viruses, thieves, con artists, you name it.
I just can't help wondering if the internet has made us all a bit more lazy. I mean if we didn't have the internet right now would we just sack out in front of the TV with a bag of potato chips? Or would we be out and about more...You know actually communicating with real life people instead of in la la land on the internet with total strangers.
I guess there is no perfect answer. Most people cannot live without it these days. I just wish sometimes life was much simpler like it used to be. Those days are long gone though now. I can't even imagine what things will be like in another 5, 10, or even 20+ years from now.
Rubik's Cube Finally Decoded
Rubik's Cube was invented in 1974 by Erno Rubrik. I honestly didn't know it went back that far. When I was a kid I was fascinated with Rubik's Cube. I played with that thing for hours upon end. Funny that something so simple could be so entertaining back then.
Anyway, apparently a group of researcher's have determined or figured out an algorithm for the famous cube. They have determined that the lowest number of moves is 20 to solve. Can you believe that? It took me more than 20 moves. As a matter of fact I can recall being so frustrated trying to solve the thing that at one point I took it completely apart. Then, I reassembled it so all the colors lined up again. Talk about more than 20 moves, but at least I got it hey!
For those of you interested the current world record for solving Rubik's Cube is a mere 7.08 seconds by Dutchman Erik Akkersdijk. Now that is impressive.
Twitter Down For Maintenance
The other night Twitter was down for scheduled maintenance according to the message I received when visiting the site. I don't know for sure how long it was down. I really don't mess with Twitter that much, but I'll attach a screen shot of the message I saw when I visited below.
I know there was talk from the folks over at Twitter that they are going to be moving, upgrading, or something to their own datacenter. Perhaps this outage had something to do with it. I don't follow them enough to know for certain.
They have had their share of outages and down time lately. From attacks to stolen information, you name it. People have complained about it being extremely slow at times recently too.
I can live with or without Twitter. In my opinion, it's really not that exciting. I really don't get how thrilling it is to read 140 character or less text messages from everyone in the world. Apparently a lot of people do though. Then again I don't understand how some people send a couple of hundred text messages every day from their cell phone either. Guess I am just old school or something.
I do kind of like the domain name Twitter.com though. It's kind of short and catchy. I really don't think of the bird they use for part of their logo thing.
Anyway the Twitter maintenance page I saw was kind of less than ordinary and not what I would have expected. Here it is:
1001 Conspiracy Theories
I have an occasional interest in reading up on conspiracy theories from time to time. Last night I was doing a little research and browsing and I swear there are 1001 conspiracy theories out there.
Well I don't know the exact number, but there were more than I can remember right offhand. Anything and everything you could possibly imagine, and believe me I can imagine a lot. Some conspiracy theories are so far fetched and hard to believe I don't even know how they came to be to begin with. The power of the internet I guess might have something to do with.
Others are kind of iffy. I could go either way on them. They are hard to believe with little or no credible evidence. Mostly hear say, someones own thoughts and beliefs in a lot of cases.
A very small percentage have ever sparked my interest and that have the potential to be true or likely. I won't get into that too much as I am fairly skeptical about most of them.
One thing for sure some people really get into the conspiracy that they believe in. I mean they really take it to the extreme sometimes. I've seen maps, diagrams, charts, videos, and everything in between. Talk about a lot of work. However, most of them are missing any credible source and information why we should believe it. I am not saying it is totally untrue, but some credible evidence, proof, and/or person of high statue would be very helpful.
Then there is the whole world of people that take and edit pictures to fake something. Others original work is sometimes discredited and circulated as a hoax by someone. All this digital technology we have these days make things even more difficult to prove anything remotely realistic sometimes.
At any rate I didn't realize there were that many conspiracy theories out there.
The Annual Perseid Meteor Shower
Get ready for the sky to put on another show this week. The annual Perseid Meteor Shower is expected to peak Thursday August 12th. Although any time from now leading up to the peak, and several days afterward should provide you with a few of these guys streaking across the sky.
So if you have clear nighttime skies over the next week to 10 days be sure to venture out and take a peek. Darker skies and away from the city should provide for best viewing. However, mild city lighting in suburban areas should still be acceptable to see at least some.
The estimated number per hour on the peak night of Thursday August 12th is around 50-80 per hour in darker sky locations.
It can be exciting to them streaking across the sky especially for a younger child that has never seen one before. The bigger ones can get pretty bright with a fairly large tail that may last 1-3 seconds.
The other good thing about the Perseid Meteor shower is it is the middle of summer here in the Northern Hemisphere. Generally the weather tends to cooperate with us much more this time of year.
Clear Skies!
Solar Eruption Aurora Light Show
Apparently there was a significant eruption on the sun's surface on Sunday August 1st. This sent tons of matter heading strait toward Earth.
What that means to us here on Earth is it is supposed to produce a fairly decent Aurora - Northern/Southern Light show. It is expected to reach us and peak Tuesday August 3rd/Wednesday August 4th. So if you are out and about, or up late take a peek outside and look to the North if you are in the northern hemisphere. For those of you in the southern hemisphere you would look to the south.
These things tend to linger for a few days after they peak. So if you missed any showing you might check the following night or two as well.
This assuming the scientist people accurately got the information and data correct. Sometimes these folks are kind of like the weather forecasters...They usually get it right, but are known to mess up on a regular basis.
I hope you are one of the lucky ones that get a glimpse at this...off I go to investigate with my own eyes!
- Add Google Adsense Privacy Policy To Blogspot Blogger
- Why Do People Text So Much
- Tweeting for your Pets
- The World's Gas Prices
- Benefits of the Internet
- Rubik's Cube Finally Decoded
- Twitter Down For Maintenance
- 1001 Conspiracy Theories
- The Annual Perseid Meteor Shower
- Solar Eruption Aurora Light Show