It was just pointed out to me in this blog
Is there a Google pagerank update in November 2008?
The last Google pagerank update was on September 27, 2008. It was just a lapse of two months from July 27, 2008.
So, if we go by this trend, then, we shall see another Google pagerank on November 27, 2008.
Have they switched to a 2 month PageRank rotation/update instead of 3?
I guess we will have to wait until November 27'ish and see if another PageRank update happens or not.
Google PageRank Update
My Quest for More (PR) Page Rank Continues
Things are progressing nicely with the Page Rank Experiment. It is a little time consuming to make things happen, but I am fairly content after the next update I will see an increase in my page rank.
I have also seen a fairly significant increase in traffic that I can only attribute to the efforts of this.
Yahoo seems to like me very well now too. MSN is another story though. One day it has me with a considerable amount of indexed links, and the next day only a fraction of the number. I don't know if I will ever get MSN figured out. I will concentrate on Google and Yahoo for the time given that they seem to be far more popular and important anyway. Once I master them, I will see what I can do at MSN.
I think the next Google Page Rank happens sometime near the end of Decemeber. I really don't want to say what I have done until the new Page Rank update happens to verify my efforts have been successful.
If they seem to be successful and I am happy with what Google Reflects I will think about posting my results here.
Until then I will continue on my quest, and keep my fingers crossed!!
Google Page Rank Experiment
I am currently testing and experimenting with Google Page Ranks. I have several different domains I am testing different ideas and theories on each. As far as I am aware of Google's next Page Rank update will be the end of December. Since Google does not clearly publish all this information I am hoping that the next update will be based on this quarter.
I will continue my quest for higher ranks, and post any positive results I conclude here after the next Google Page Rank updates.