President Obama released his long form birth certificate the other day and once again the internet is buzzing about it.
The White House previously released the official Certification Of Live Birth that showed he was born in Hawaii. Which apparently wasn't good enough for a lot of people out there.
On top of that Hawaiian officials have said they personally examined Obama's Birth Cirtificate. And guess what? That wasn't good enough either.
So President Obama released his long form birth certificate all the Birther Movement and conspiracy theory folks have been demanding.
It seemed to finally satisfy a larger group of individuals, but there is already tons of conspiracy websites screaming fake. Which is hard to take anything some of those conspiracy websites claim serious. One site I visited had a thread some 50 pages long with comments and growing by the hour. So as long as I was at this website that was pushing Obama's Birth Cirtificate is a fake I thought I would see what else the site had to offer.
It didn't take long to figure out most of the pictures and video posted on the site to a variety of conspiracy theories were themselves likely fake. I swear some of these sites and people commenting will believe almost anything.
At any rate I don't know what more Obama can do to finally prove he was indeed born in Hawaii. Believe what you want, but it looks like the mystery, conspiracy, or whatever you want to call it is finally over. Thank goodness too. It was starting to get annoying and old.