Everywhere you look lately there seems to be a new Viral Video circulating. Some of them are less than worthy of carrying the Viral part of the title. Now it seems like every video is Viral. Ok maybe not all of them include the term in the title, but I've seen plenty pop up the past few days.
For some I guess it is just a marketing technique that tends to spark someones interest. Which is what they are after. If adding the term Viral to a video increases visitors, then I guess it worked.
I am getting slightly annoyed every time I see or hear the word Viral now. It was alright a while back, but it is straight up annoying now.
Next thing you know we will see all kinds of other things include the term Viral. We will have Viral news stories, Viral blog posts, Viral pictures, Viral Facebook and Twitter posts. How about a Viral Virus even?
Viral Videos The Latest Trend
Mom pays daughter to stay off Facebook
Apparently some college girl likes to spend 3 to 4 hours per day on Facebook. Her mother believes that her grades have been suffering as a result of so much time on Facebook. The mother decided that paying her daughter $300 to stay off the site might improve her grades.
Now I don't know how anyone could spend a full 3 to 4 hours on a site like Facebook every day. I can't imagine what one could even do there for that amount of time. Unless she has a habit of checking out 1000 friend pages each and every day. I can't see how posting a status update, adding a picture or video, and making a few comments could eat up that much time.
The mother can try her $300 offer to get her daughter off Facebook, or to reduce her time there anyway. If I had to take a guess that $300 is going to be a total waste. This girl will take the money and continue to do her daily Facebook routine. If she is that hooked on it, a whole $300 isn't going to make her stop. Nor, will it help improve her grades. Maybe she could take the $300 and pay someone to do her homework, but that wouldn't last long either.
This really makes me wonder...Do a lot of people really waste that much time on Facebook every day? If so how many?
Know wonder so many people are lazy, unfit, and unhealthy these days!
Social Network - The Movie
How exciting could a movie about social networking and specifically Facebook actually be?
I mean a movie about the founders of Facebook doesn't seem that appealing or interesting to me. Maybe it is to all the Facebook addicts, or the younger generation that can't seem to live without it.
A few popular movie review sites has it rated fairly decent. Jesse Eisenberg plays the role of Mark Zukerberg. I did like his character in Zombieland.
If they add a mix of comedy it might be slightly more appealing. I just don't find the nerdy computer programing stuff that exciting enough to sit for 2 hours.
The rating is PG-13 and not that it matters too much. I am guessing they wanted to keep it below an R rating so all the teen Facebook'ers would be able to see it.
Kind of reminds me of the older Bill Gates vs. Steve Jobs movie Pirates of Silicon Valley, which incidentally I never watched either.
Maybe it is your thing...great...I hope you like it as much as you probably like Facebook - The Social Network site!